Welcome to DIKDA, the digital library of the Slovak National Library (SNL)

Welcome to DIKDA, the digital library of the Slovak National Library (SNL)

Sign in and you will find digital copies of books, newspapers, magazines, scientific proceedings, articles, which were published from the invention of printing until the beginning of the 21st century. All works in the public domain as well as the so-called out-of-commerce works are accessible in the member's area of the European Economic Area.

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New book: The Drama of the International Statue of Martin Kukučín

New book: The Drama of the International Statue of Martin Kukučín

Dráma medzinárodnej sochy Martina Kukučína [The Drama of the International Statue of Martin Kukučín] aims at the history of the first Kukučín monuments in the world that were created abroad much earlier than those in his homeland. Martin Kukučín or Matej Bencúr (by his real name) was praised abroad not only during his life but also after his departure and death in 1928. And he is still respected and honoured even today. However, due to a lack of information and Kukučín’s modesty, people on Brač Island and in Latin America knew little or even nothing about his writings.

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Conference: The Book and Its History in Slovakia

Conference: The Book and Its History in Slovakia

The Slovak National Library invites you to attend the international conference on history of book culture: The Book and Its History in Slovakia, which will take place from 16th to 18th May 2023 in Martin, Slovakia.

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Transformations of the muse or woman of the new age II.

Premeny múzy alebo ženy nového veku II.

Transformations of the muse or Woman of the new age II. is a continuation of the very successful exhibition in 2020. Even now, we will look at the origin and development of Slovak women's literature through the life stories and work of selected women writers. And it will not be just facts known from literary science and history, but also less published knowledge from sociology or gender studies, defining the topic in a wider cultural-historical context.

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February 2025
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Slovenská národná knižnica si Vás dovoľuje pozvať na online seminár Metodické usmernenia k [...]
Date :  20 02 2025

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Slovak National Library
Namestie J. C. Hronskeho 1
036 01 Martin
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